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We Have Done Thousands of Insurance Windshield Repairs

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insurance claim for windshield repair

It is no secret that free windshield repair is actually paid for under the “Comprehensive Coverage” portion of your automotive insurance. When we do an insurance repair, the first thing we have to do is contact the client’s insurance company to verify coverage and file a claim We do this by calling the client’s windshield claims processing section with the client. The glass claims processing center asks a series of questions to identify the client, the client’s vehicle, damage, etc. My favorite question is “How did this damage happen?” The response is ALWAYS the same… a rock flew up off the road and chipped my windshield. Yawn.

One day my mind was wandering during one of these calls with the insurance company and I started trying to come up with a unique response to the question; “what caused the damage to your windshield?” One of my first thoughts was garden gnomes. They cannot be trusted and it is a well known fact that they are an ornery lot. No, that was probably too far-fetched. Other ideas came and went at the speed of bored thought. A squirrel! Yes, it was a militant squirrel that caused the windshield chip. And this is when BadChip the Militant Squirrel became the cause of all the windshield damage in Colorado Springs. So, the next time you get a chip in your windshield when driving through beautiful Colorado Springs, call Bob’s Windshield and tell us a militant squirrel caused the damage to your windshield. We know the critter is out there. We haven’t been able to catch him yet, but we can fix the windshield chips and cracks leaves behind in your windshield.